Nikki's Hair Blog

Designed with my fellow nappturals in mind, this site was created to offer inspriation, motivation, and dediction.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Can't get enough of that pony puff!

Ok, I'll try not to bombard you with pics of my pony puff! I just love, love, love it though! I took these yesterday.

Stay tuned for twists pics, which were put in today....

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Comparison Pics

Ok, for a while I thought my hair wasn't growing.

As you can see, that's totally not the case.

>>>> July 06 <<<< >>>> November 06<<<< >>>> January 07 <<<<

More Updates!

Here are my January pics!

I think someone slipped some Miracle-Gro into my hair spritzer! I can't believe this is MY hair!

Jan 11, 2007- These are week old twists. I only did them because I was sick and didn't want my hair to mat up while in the bed.

January 12-Buh-bye twists!

January 13-This is the twistout from the above twists. I had the right front side brushed up and held in place with a back comb. Cute, huh?

ETA 1-21-07: I forgot to tell y'all I got 3 compliments on this hairstyle. One was from a white guy at the MAC counter in Nordstrom. The other two were from fellow nappturals, one at the Clinique counter and another while walking through the mall. She wanted to know if I had used Miss Jessie's Buttercreme on it to get the coils throughout my head. I told her I used a little of the Garnier Fructis on it and this was the result. She had huge puff on her head and it was purdy. I may use the Garnier Fructis again, but I'm not sure yet.

January 15-Two days later after conditioning and detangling. My hair was soft.

One week later...

Jan 18- OMG! I am so in love with this style! The low pony puff!

I love this style so much, that I wore it again the next day!

I thought I'd throw this one pic in the mix. I was able to get my hair in a ponytail. It's not a long ponytail, but I was able to get it in one nonetheless.

That's it for now people! Stay tuned for more updates!

Updates! Updates! Updates!

Well hello there!

It's been about a month since I last posted. I was really sick with the flu from New Year's weekend and have just now completely recovered.

I've also been really busy with school and trying to get a few outside projects off the ground.
Pray for me y'all!

Here's a pic from Christmas Eve... I love my puff!

January pics are next...

Happy New Year!

Ok, Ok! I know January is almost over, but hey, better late than never right!

Wishing each and every one of you a Blessed and Joyous New Year! May you achieve every goal you set for yourself and remember to stay positive, even in the midst of negativity!

2007 is the year to make things happen!

