Nikki's Hair Blog

Designed with my fellow nappturals in mind, this site was created to offer inspriation, motivation, and dediction.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Welcome to my hair blog!

Until I revamp my site, ~An Onine Journal for Natural Hair Care~ I've decided to post here as far as my hair journey.

Why am I doing this?

Well, hopefully this blog will inspire others who are contemplating going natural or have gone natural and need some encouragement, to stay natural.

All to often we are conditioned to think that nappy hair = bad hair. This is not true. The only bad hair is damaged hair; hair that has been ruined by that caustic chemical we call a relaxer. It may make our hair look straight, but we do more harm than good, by using it.

So out with the bad chemicals and in with beautiful, natural hair!